About US Army Basic

We are USArmyBasic.com. This website is run by soldiers of the US Army who know first-hand what to expect when entering the gates of Army basic training. We have all been where you are right now and are wanting to provide you with more information than we had so you can make the best of your US Army career.

Our goal is to inform future soldiers of what they are about to face, as well as to prepare them to face it. It’s a very proud honor to join the US Army, and we want to ensure that all future soldiers are set up for success.

Do you have Army Basic Training questions?

The Army has many benefits, more than just a steady guaranteed paycheck! We outline the benefits and pay of the Army, as well as reasons why you should join:

What is Army Basic Training Like?

Rough, but not too rough. You will come out of Army Basic Training a new person, a stronger person, both physically and mentally. Basic Training is divided into 3, 3-week phases. Click on a phase below to view more information about each phase.

Do you have a friend or family member currently in Basic Training?

Soldiers’ friends and families play a huge role in their success as a soldier in training. Army graduations happen weekly around the US, be sure to attend this once in a lifetime event!

What do I need to know before basic training?

Army Ranks, Army MOS List (what you want to do), Army Pay Charts, etc. We outline everything you should know in our “Army Knowledge” and “Before Basic Training” sections of our site.