Skill Level 1 Performs as a team member in support of battlefield operations, installation law and order operations, and security of US Army resources and installations.

Skill Level 2 Leads military police teams in support of battlefield operations and leads and supervises small sections in support of security and installation law and order operations.

Skill Level 3 Leads military police squads and sections, operates police desks, plans crime prevention measures, operates evidence rooms, and prepares operations plans and orders in military police detachments in support of both battlefield and installation law and order operations and security of resources and installations.

Skill Level 4 Leads military police platoons, large detachments, and sections. Supervises and performs duties as Provost Sergeant and MP Operations NCO, prepares circulation or traffic control plans and operations orders in support of both battlefield and installation law and order operations and security of resources and installations.

Skill Level 5 Performs 1SG duties or provides staff supervision, prepares plans, procedures and operational orders as Provost Sergeant, Operations Sergeant, Intelligence NCO, and Security NCO in support of battlefield and installation law and order operations and security of resources and installations.