Skill Level 1 Gathers, sorts, and scans intercepted messages to isolate valid message traffic. Performs initial analysis to establish target identification and communications patterns. Operates automated data processing (ADP) equipment. Maintains analytical working aids to support target collection, identification, and location. Operates communications equipment for SIGINT collection, processing, and reporting.

Skill Level 2 Performs duties shown in preceding skill level and provides guidance to subordinate soldiers. Performs intermediate analysis of intercepted communications. Prepares technical and tactical intelligence reports. Performs fusion analysis of SIGINT products. Assists in the collection management process.

Skill Level 3 Performs duties shown in preceding skill level. Writes, edits, evaluates, and publishes SIGINT reports. Coordinates with collection management activity to receive and plan tasks. Implements SIGINT emergency action plans. Performs advance analysis on intercepted communications. Supervises fusion analysis of SIGINT products.

Skill Level 4 Performs duties shown in preceding skill level. Analyzes and evaluates intelligence data and releases SIGINT reports. Supervises processing, analysis, and reporting functions. Briefs analytical mission status. Quality controls intelligence products. Supervises collection management of supported commands and other agencies. Provides guidance on the interpretation of SIGINT information and the employment of collection systems.