
Joining the military offers a range of career paths, each with its own unique challenges and rewards. One such path is the 13B MOS Cannon Crewmember (Military Occupational Specialty), a role that plays a crucial part in the functioning of the armed forces. In this article, we will delve into the details of the 13B MOS, its responsibilities, training, and what life is like for those who choose this path.

What is the 13B MOS?

The 13B MOS, often referred to as “Cannon Crewmember,” is a pivotal role within the field artillery team of the United States Army. These skilled individuals are responsible for operating and maintaining howitzers and other artillery equipment. Their precision and expertise ensure that the Army’s artillery strikes hit their targets with utmost accuracy.

Responsibilities of a 13B MOS

A 13B MOS soldier has a diverse set of responsibilities, ranging from preparing ammunition to conducting maintenance checks on artillery equipment. They work closely with their team to execute firing missions and ensure the artillery is always combat-ready. Additionally, they are tasked with calculating firing data, taking into account variables like distance and weather conditions.

Training and Qualifications

Becoming a 13B MOS requires rigorous training. Individuals undergo Basic Combat Training (BCT) followed by Advanced Individual Training (AIT) specific to artillery operations. During this training, recruits learn the technical aspects of artillery, including safety protocols, ballistics, and equipment maintenance. Attention to detail and the ability to work under pressure are crucial skills developed during this period.

Life as a 13B MOS

Life as a 13B MOS is both demanding and rewarding. Crewmembers often form strong bonds with their teammates as they rely on each other in high-pressure situations. The role requires discipline, teamwork, and adaptability. Deployments are also a part of the job, where 13B MOS soldiers may be stationed in various locations, from remote outposts to established bases.

Career Opportunities

The 13B MOS opens up various career pathways within the military. Soldiers can progress to leadership positions, such as section chief or platoon sergeant, where they guide and mentor junior crewmembers. The skills acquired as a 13B MOS also translate well into civilian roles, providing veterans with a competitive edge in fields like mechanics, engineering, and logistics.

13B MOS in Civilian Life

Transitioning from military service to civilian life is a significant step. The expertise gained as a 13B MOS can lead to fulfilling careers in both the public and private sectors. Many veterans find employment in construction, manufacturing, and transportation industries, where their technical skills are highly valued.

Challenges and Rewards

The 13B MOS comes with its share of challenges. Operating heavy artillery in demanding conditions requires mental and physical resilience. Long hours, exposure to the elements, and the need for split-second decision-making can be intense. However, the satisfaction of knowing one’s contributions directly impact the success of missions can be incredibly rewarding.

Is the 13B MOS Right for You?

Choosing a military occupational specialty is a significant decision. The 13B MOS is ideal for individuals who thrive in fast-paced, team-oriented environments. If you’re interested in artillery, mechanics, and working with advanced equipment, this role could be a perfect fit. The sense of camaraderie and the opportunity to develop skills that last a lifetime make the 13B MOS a compelling choice.

How to Join the 13B MOS

If the 13B MOS resonates with you, the first step is to contact a military recruiter. They will guide you through the enlistment process, explain the training pipeline, and help you prepare for the challenges ahead. Keep in mind that dedication, discipline, and a strong work ethic are crucial attributes for success in this role.


Q: What physical requirements are needed for the 13B MOS? A: Individuals should meet the Army’s physical fitness standards, including strength and endurance.
Q: Are there opportunities for advancement within the 13B MOS? A: Yes, dedicated soldiers can progress to leadership roles with experience and additional training.
Q: Can women also join the 13B MOS? A: Absolutely, the military is open to all qualified individuals, regardless of gender.
Q: Are there opportunities for further education while serving as a 13B MOS? A: Yes, the Army provides opportunities for soldiers to pursue higher education and professional development.
Q: What is the duration of training for the 13B MOS? A: Basic Combat Training is around 10 weeks, followed by approximately 7 weeks of Advanced Individual Training.
Q: What is the deployment frequency for 13B MOS soldiers? A: Deployments can vary, but 13B MOS soldiers should be prepared for potential overseas assignments.
Q: Are there opportunities to specialize in specific types of artillery? A: Yes, artillery units may have specialized roles that 13B MOS soldiers can train for.
Q: What kind of teamwork skills are essential for the 13B MOS? A: Effective communication, trust, and the ability to work seamlessly within a team are vital.
Q: Can 13B MOS veterans access any job placement assistance? A: Yes, veterans often receive support and resources to help them transition to civilian careers.


The 13B MOS offers a dynamic and impactful career path within the United States Army. Operating artillery, collaborating with a close-knit team, and contributing to vital missions are just a few of the experiences this role entails. Whether you’re drawn to the technical aspects, the sense of duty, or the opportunity for personal growth, the 13B MOS is a role that leaves a lasting impression.