Electronics Information Practice

Below are Sample ASVAB Electronics Information Practice Practice Questions. Write down your answers as you go along, and once you reach the end of the Electronics Information Practice Practice Test, check your answers with the answer sheet! Good luck!

Electronics Information Practice Practice Questions

  1. Substances which allow electric current to pass through them are called

    1. insulation
    2. semi conductors
    3. Conductors
    4. none of the above
  2. Electric charge carriers in a P-type semi conductor are
    1. neutrons
    2. protons
    3. Electrons
    4. holes
  3. Electric charge carries in an n-type semi conductors are
    1. neutrons
    2. Electrons
    3. holes
    4. Protons
  4. With the rise in temperature, the resistance of a semi conductor
    1. decreases
    2. first decreases and then increases
    3. increases
    4. remains unchanged
  5. When the temperature of a semi conductor is increased, its electrical conductivity
    1. first decreases then increases
    2. Increases
    3. remains unchanged
    4. decreases
  6. The binding in semiconductor is
    1. ionic
    2. mutual
    3. metallic
    4. Covalent
  7. The element that can be used as an acceptor impurity to dope Silicon is
    1. arsenic
    2. boron
    3. phosphorous
    4. Antimony
  8. The valency of donor impurity used for doping used for doping germanium crystals is
    1. 2
    2. 3
    3. 5
    4. 4
  9. A device that converts one type of energy into another type of energy is called
    1. an amplifier
    2. a transducer
    3. a receiver
    4. A transmitter
  10. The device that converts electrical energy into corresponding sound signal is
    1. A transmitter
    2. a loud speaker
    3. a microphone

    4. a receiver

Electronics Information Practice Practice Answer Sheet

When you're ready to view the Electronics Information Practice Answers, hover your mouse over the box below. The answers will then appear for you to check your work.
  1. C
  2. D
  3. B
  4. A
  5. B
  6. D
  7. C
  8. C
  9. B
  10. B
  11. A

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