Since it’s introduction in 1968, more than 40 million individuals like yourself have taken the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB). This timed, multiple choice test is given to those who wish to enlist in the military by the United States Military Entrance Processing Command, and is used to ensure eligibility to enlist, as well as to gauge potential occupational and academic success for test takers. Depending on your testing location, the test will either be handwritten or on a computer. 

This post will focus on the importance of scoring well on the ASVAB and how you can use Sample ASVAB tests, study guides, and courses to achieve a higher score on test day.

The ASVAB tests nine subject areas, which include:

Arithmetic Reasoning
Word Knowledge
Paragraph Comprehension
Mathematics Knowledge
General Science
Electronics Information
Auto Information
Mechanical Comprehension
Assembling Objects

Why it is important to prepare for the ASVAB
Although it is nothing to get stressed about, your score on the ASVAB is significant, and you should be ready to study and prepare to ensure you get the highest score possible.

The Arithmetic, Word Knowledge, Paragraph Comprehension and Mathematics components are the four most critical areas to focus on, as they make up part of the Armed Forces Qualifying Test, which will determine if you are eligible to enlist in the Army.

However, although not critical for your military eligibility, the other five sections are used to determine what occupational specialties you are best suited for as well as if you qualify for an enlistment bonus.

Scoring well in these areas will lead to better job prospects in specialty fields, as well as improved chances at signing bonuses. And who doesn’t want a bonus?

Some of you may be wondering the big deal is. You can just retake the test immediately if you don’t score well, right? WRONG. If you do not score well on the ASVAB the first time, you will be required to wait SIX MONTHS to take it again, a waiting period you probably don’t want to undertake.
Good News: You can improve your score!
Now that you know how important the ASVAB is to your military career, it is important to stay calm and focus on how you can prepare to do your best on this test. If you are not the best test taker, don’t despair. Instead, remember that you can improve your ASVAB score through practice tests and study.

Just getting started? One of the best ways to start your preparation is to take a sample ASVAB test. This will give you an idea of what the test will be like, and will also help you identify the areas that you need a little extra work on. 

Once you have evaluated your strengths and weaknesses through a practice test, it is time to dedicate some serious study time to improving your score. Fortunately, there are many study guides and courses out there solely focused on helping individuals like you improve your scores. And don’t forget to use ASVAB practice tests, like this one, in your preparation to improve your score. After all, practice makes perfect!

The ASVAB isn’t a joke, as it is used to determine if you are eligible to enlist in the Army, as well as your job prospects and signing bonuses. But using practice tests to find your strengths and weaknesses and dedicating yourself to solid preparation, will ensure a positive outcome on test day. Now get off your computer and hit the books. It is time to earn that ASVAB score!