Basic Training Graduation is a very important day. Not only for the soldier, but also for the family that made just as much sacrifice in seeing the solder leave. Being able to attend this once-in-a-lifetime event should be on every family member’s bucket list. It is phenomenal, and you will not regret going.
Below are some common questions that family members have that may help you:
When and where does the basic training graduation take place?
This depends on the soldier’s unit and when the training began. You can check out basic training graduations page for information on graduation dates.
Will I be notified of a specific time for the graduation?
Yes. A few weeks before the graduation ceremony, direct family members will receive a packet in the mail which will be full of information as to when everything is happening.
Where will I stay while I’m there?
There are hundreds of hotels near each and every base. We’ve partnered with one of the largest booking companies online to bring you the best prices for graduation dates. Simply fill out the form to get started!
How long does the ceremony last?
Normally 30-60 minutes depending on the MOS and date of graduation.