What to Bring to Basic Training

Below is a packing list of what to bring to basic training. Basically, all of your civilian items that you bring will be used by you until you are issued your gear. At that point, 99% of your civilian items are taken and locked away until the end of Basic Training. Print the list out below and use it as a checklist before you go!

What to bring to Basic Training

Note: All items must fit into the Army FSP Bag or a small airline-approved “carry on” suitcase or gym bag. Soldiers traveling from overseas locations should add 1 change of clothing and underwear (same guidance as above, extra shoes and extra coat not needed).

If you’re planning for family day or a post pass, remember to pack accordingly for those events. Soldiers in training will have specific times for attending graduation, so make sure you keep these dates in mind when preparing your gear.

Clothing (Casual and Comfortable):
❏ Shirt or blouse (no obscene graphics)(no halter tops or cut-off T-shirts) 1 1
❏ Slacks or Jeans (no shorts or cut-offs) 1 1
❏ Complete underwear (You’ll get a mini-physical on ship day, no thongs) 1 1
❏ Pair of comfortable, casual shoes suitable for walking and extended standing (no high heels) and socks 1 1
❏ Coat or Jacket (seasonal) As Needed As Needed
❏ Bring change of underwear: (male- briefs, female – briefs and bras) white, black or neutral, no thongs 2 2
❏ Bring Feminine Sanitary Items As needed
❏ White, calf-length athletic socks (no color bands, designs or logos) Additional socks will be purchased at the post exchange (PX) 1 1
Minimal Personal Hygiene Articles: (Travel-sized items)
❏ Shampoo and conditioner (1 oz) As needed As needed
❏ Soap (1 bar soap or 1oz liquid soap with a soap case) 1 1
❏ Anti-perspirant / deodorant (non-aerosol only) 1 1
❏ Toothbrush (with case) and toothpaste 1 1
❏ Disposable/safety shaving razor (non-electric) 1 1
❏ Shaving cream (non-aerosol) 1 As Needed
❏ Comb, brush, hair accessories (black or matching hair color) As needed As needed
Eyeglasses (IF prescribed. No faddish/stylish eyewear. Bring prescription if available)
All Important Documents (check with Recruiter), including:
Childhood and adolescent immunization records if available
Government-issued photo ID card
Marriage certificate, family birth certificates, and their SSN (if married or legally supporting)
Required prescription medications (in original pharmacy container) and/or a doctor’s prescription.
Be sure to have all copies of orders and documents issued by your unit Recruiter and/or MEPS. These orders must be delivered by you and by hand. Travel and meal tickets will be provided.
Not to exceed $50.00 in cash, Traveler’s Checks, or Money Orders
Checkbook and/or ATM card with access to direct deposit account for military pay
Misc. Item(s)
One lock (combination or padlock with two keys) Additional lock will be purchased at PX

Alternatively, you can download a separate list of what to bring to basic training.

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