Jul 7, 2016 | Army Knowledge
If you have enlisted in the Army, you may not be certain what you want to do with your future – and that’s okay! Joining the military will open up a variety of career opportunities for you – both now, and down the road. If you think that a college...
Apr 29, 2016 | Army Knowledge
If you have recently enlisted in the Army, you are probably wondering what we are all afraid to ask: What should I expect to be paid? More importantly, you probably want to know what your payment schedule will be and what your earning potential is. Fortunately for...
Apr 11, 2016 | Army Knowledge
If a family member or loved one has recently enlisted in the US Army, you are probably wondering what to expect when they head off to basic training. Below, we detail some of the best pointers for coping with your loved-one’s absence, and supporting them in their...
Jan 7, 2016 | Army Knowledge
If you are considering enlisting in the Army, you may wonder what career options you will have. Before enlisting and attending your basic training, you will need to meet with a recruiter and decide what job in that Army you want to pursue. Think Army jobs only consist...
Nov 2, 2015 | Army Knowledge
How does getting paid in basic training work? If you just joined the US Army, you probably have a big question: how do I get paid during US Army basic training? It’s a pretty simple process, but there are some important things you need to know. Military members...