Skill Level 1 Prepares, operates, and fires the AVENGER and Man Portable Air Defense System (MANPADS) weapons systems. Establishes and maintains radio and wire communications. Assists in maintaining situation map. Performs target engagement evaluation. Applies infrared (IR) techniques to detect and engage targets. Operates identification, friend or foe (IFF) programmer/ charger. Resupplies ammunition and prepares systems for firing. Performs emergency procedures for weapon systems. Maintains sight alignment on systems. Operates and maintains system carriers.

Skill Level 2 Supervises and assists the preparation and firing of the AVENGER/MANPADS weapons systems. Collects and consolidates intelligence information. Processes special and periodic reports. Prepares and maintains situation map. Transmits intelligence and grid locations of incoming targets. Designates fighting positions. Alerts firing batteries. Transmits alert status and readiness changes.

Skill Level 3 Supervises the AVENGER/MANPADS team/ squad. Writes and handles JINTACCS messages. Prepares for and supervises section movement. Supervises radio and wire communications. Plans for and supervises ammunition resupply. Deploys section to provide Air Defense coverage. Assists in establishing operating tactical command posts and operating centers. Coordinates operations and intelligence data. Supervises dissemination of air and ground early warning information on MCS. Assists update of OPORD, situation maps and overlays. Supervises ECM and ECCM operations. Supervises installation and operations of tactical communication equipment and battle drills. Employs weapon systems. Supervises PMCS.

Skill Level 4 Supervises AVENGER/MANPADS operations. Performs or supervises ADA operations and intelligence duties. Assists platoon leader in planning, management and training activities of subordinate sections. Performs and supervises ADA battle management center operations. Conducts platoon reconnaissance, selection and occupation of position (RSOP). Coordinates platoon and section logistical activities.