Skill Level 1 Performs religious support duties for Unit Ministry Team (UMT) programs, worship services, and crisis intervention. Performs UMT functions in field and combat environment. Performs combat lifesaver tasks. Applies communication skills in crisis and potential suicide intervention. Supports the UMT family readiness program. Coordinates UMT activities and maintains physical security of UMT facilities/equipment. Safeguards privileged communications and offerings. Arranges religious retreats and memorial ceremonies. Receives, screens, and refers visitors and prospective counselees. Performs office administration functions using automated systems to include inventorying supplies and equipment and determining supply requirements. Maintains chaplain vestments and religious items.
Skill Level 2 Performs religious support duties in first level battle fatigue care. Provides for emergency ministrations on the battlefield. Prepares UMT section input to staff estimates, operation plans, and orders. Implements specified elements of the Religious Support Plan (RSP) and Command Master Religious Plan (CMRP). Coordinates rites, sacraments, ordinances, and the UMT family readiness program. Organizes support for UMT programs, worship, and small group training sessions. Conducts training on indigenous religious, cultural distinctions, and customs. Implements the religious support volunteer program. Provides intake interviews and assessments.
Skill Level 3 Trains and performs religious support duties within the commander’s area of operation. Adapts UMT support to unit’s mission, enemy situation, terrain, troops, and time available (METT). Coordinates the implementation of the RSP and CMRP. Assists soldiers in developing moral values and resolving conflict. Supports the combat stress control team. Organizes religious retreats. Trains family support group leaders. Assists families in spiritual renewal upon reintegration. Manages chaplain funds.
Skill Level 4 Leads in performing religious support operations. Plans and implements enlisted training, CMRP and, chaplain annex to OPLANS. Manages chaplain support activities. Develops family spiritual renewal reintegration strategies. Conducts moral leadership training. Implements crisis intervention strategies. Implements internal controls for funds. Prepares requests for grants. Performs conflict resolutions.
Skill Level 5 Analyzes, develops, implements, and assesses plans, polices, and programs affecting the religious support mission and operations. Performs strategic planning for religious support operations. Prepares contingency and mobilization planning and training. Plans and coordinates general religious support to joint, specified, and unified commands. Develops UMT Mission Essential Task List. Provides guidance on world religions and cultural distinctions and customs. Prepares installation/command religious program support plan. Prepares and evaluates implementation of CMRP. Advises command chaplain on religious and moral issues of command.