Fort Jackson Graduation

Below are the up-and-coming Fort Jackson Graduation Dates for 2024. The time of each basic training graduation will vary, however, your soldier will be able to call and tell you the exact details in enough time that you can make plans. All dates below are subject to...

Army Pay Chart 2024

Army Pay Charts list the pay rates for the various Army Ranks and Grades in the US Army. As a matter of fact, the Army pay charts expand to all branches of the Active-duty Military. So you’ll see the same military pay charts across all branches. How to use the...
Army Height and Weight Standards

Army Height and Weight Standards

The US Army has two forms of measure in which they get a general idea of a soldier’s fitness level during recruitment. The first and most well-known method of assessing a soldier’s physical fitness level is the Army Physical Fitness Test. The second method is the Army...

Paragraph Comprehension Practice

[[Many lives are lost every year due to drowning, and the majority of drowning victims could have been saved if they or someone nearby had only known the simple rules of water safety. The first and most important rule is to remain calm. Panic is the swimmer’s...

Mechanical Comprehension Practice

When a mass of air expands, which of the following is most likely to happen?::The air warms up.::The air cools down.::The air stays at the same temperature.::The air contracts. Which of the following would feel hottest to the touch if one end were placed in a pot of...