Jun 18, 2012 | Army Cadences
Marching Cadence Tiny bubbles In my beer Makes me happy And full of cheer Tiny bubbles In my wine Makes me happy All the...
Jun 17, 2012 | Army Cadences
Army Running Cadence Late last night, it was drizzling rain, Lying in bed I was feeling no pain. I heard a ringing in my head, It was the telephone, so I jumped from my bed. I tripped, stumbled, and said hello, My first sergeant said it was time to go. I got to the...
Jun 16, 2012 | Army Cadences
(Army Running Cadence) (sung to the tune of Airbooorrrrrnneee Rangerrrrrrrrrr) I see the bearded ninja (Platoon Repeats) Alone upon the hi-ill (Platoon Repeats) His name is Chuck Norris (Platoon Repeats) And kill I know he wi-ill (Platoon Repeats) CHORUS: Chuck No...
Jun 15, 2012 | Army Cadences
Marching Cadence They say that in the Army, the chicken’s mighty fine One jumped off the table and started marking time Oh Lord I wanna go But they won’t let me go home (stomp) They say that in the Army, the coffee’s mighty fine It looks like muddy...