Tiny Bubbles

Marching Cadence Tiny bubbles In my beer Makes me happy And full of cheer Tiny bubbles In my wine Makes me happy All the...

The Surprise Jump

Army Running Cadence Late last night, it was drizzling rain, Lying in bed I was feeling no pain. I heard a ringing in my head, It was the telephone, so I jumped from my bed. I tripped, stumbled, and said hello, My first sergeant said it was time to go. I got to the...

Chuck Norris

(Army Running Cadence) (sung to the tune of Airbooorrrrrnneee Rangerrrrrrrrrr) I see the bearded ninja (Platoon Repeats) Alone upon the hi-ill (Platoon Repeats) His name is Chuck Norris (Platoon Repeats) And kill I know he wi-ill (Platoon Repeats) CHORUS: Chuck No...

They Say That in the Army – Army Cadence

Marching Cadence They say that in the Army, the chicken’s mighty fine One jumped off the table and started marking time Oh Lord I wanna go But they won’t let me go home (stomp) They say that in the Army, the coffee’s mighty fine It looks like muddy...