Skill Level 1 Assists in water reconnaissance, site preparation, and setup of water treatment activity. Operates and maintains water treatment equipment. Receives, issues, and stores potable water. Performs water quality analysis testing and verification.

Skill Level 2 Conducts water reconnaissance. Develops water sources and water points. Supervises and trains soldiers to perform water treatment tasks. Performs operator maintenance and inspects operational condition and maintenance of equipment. Determines treatment method and treats water for purification. Analyses and verifies test results of raw and treated water. Maintains and inventories water treatment equipment and chemical supplies. Prepares water treatment reports.

Skill Level 3 Interprets water reconnaissance results to determine location of water sites. Directs water reconnaissance and water point development. Provides technical guidance to personnel.

Skill Level 4 Directs water reconnaissance and water point development for division, corps, and echelons above corps. Manages operation and ensures quality control of water supply, storage, distribution and purification activities. Performs staff and advisory duties. Furnishes reports to higher headquarters. Develops area water supply and treatment plan and supervises operation.