How does COVID-19 affect Basic Training?

How does COVID-19 affect Basic Training?

As the weeks now turn into months, the novel coronavirus, formally known as COVID-19, has continued to spread at a rapid pace through communities, with the military being no different. Several steps had already been taken to prevent the spread of the virus, but the...
[LP] APFT Improvement 101

[LP] APFT Improvement 101

APFT Improvement 101 A simple guide that can be implemented immediately to help you improve your APFT score. Absolutely Free! Copyright...

Basic Training Graduations List Updated – Feb 2014

As some of you may already know, the 192d Infantry Brigade was discontinued on 16 June 2013. The units formerly within the 192d Infantry Brigade have been moved to the 194th Armor Brigade. The graduations for this specific unit is gradually fading out from our basic...
Sit up Improvement 10/18

Sit up Improvement 10/18

Pushup pyramids only lead to… situp pyramids! For time: 15 situps Rest 60 seconds Repeat with decreasing amount of sit ups: 15, 14, 13… all the way to zero Post your time!
Ruck march thursday 10/17

Ruck march thursday 10/17

Time to improve your ruck march time. For time: Complete a 2 mile ruck march 20lb pack Aim for under 30 minutes Post your time! What Is a Ruck March and Why Should You Care? A ruck march is more than just a walk—it’s a full-body workout. During a ruck...