Army Basic Training for Women

Army Basic Training for Women

Requirements for Basic Training Women looking to enter Army Basic Training must meet specific criteria. The age range for enlistment is between 17 and 34, and a high school diploma or GED is required. Prospective recruits must pass a physical exam to ensure they are...
What Are The National Guard Benefits?

What Are The National Guard Benefits?

If you’re considering joining the National Guard, you may be wondering what the benefits are. There are many benefits of being one of the national guard members from healthcare to education assistance, there are plenty of reasons to join.  For further...
How does COVID-19 affect Basic Training?

How does COVID-19 affect Basic Training?

As the weeks now turn into months, the novel coronavirus, formally known as COVID-19, has continued to spread at a rapid pace through communities, with the military being no different. Several steps had already been taken to prevent the spread of the virus, but the...