Basic training is an essential part of joining the US Army. It is an intense and challenging experience that is designed to prepare new recruits for the demands of military service. Completing basic training requires discipline, focus, and dedication. It can be a life-changing experience that prepares soldiers for a successful career in the military.

If you’re preparing to enter basic training in the US Army, it’s important to know what to expect and how to prepare for the challenges that lie ahead. Here are ten tips that can help you successfully complete your basic training and get off to a strong start in your military career.

1. Get in Shape Before You Go

The physical demands of basic training can be overwhelming for those who are not prepared. By getting in shape before you leave for basic training, you can build up your endurance and strength, making the transition to military life easier. It is recommended to start training at least 3-6 months before you leave for basic training. You can focus on cardio and strength training exercises to prepare yourself physically.

In addition, the Army has specific fitness standards that you must meet to graduate from basic training. This includes completing a timed two-mile run, push-ups, and sit-ups. By preparing yourself physically beforehand, you can increase your chances of meeting these standards and succeeding in basic training.

2. Learn to Follow Orders

In the military, following orders is critical to the success of any mission. Basic training is designed to teach you how to take and execute orders effectively. You will be given many instructions during basic training, and it’s essential to follow them precisely. Practicing following orders before you leave for basic training can help you prepare for this aspect of military life.

To practice following orders, you can try following instructions from a superior or from a military-style workout program. You can also work on building your communication skills, which are essential to receiving and executing orders effectively.

3. Study the Army’s Values

The US Army is built on a set of core values that serve as the foundation of military culture. These values are loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity, and personal courage. Understanding and embracing these values is essential for succeeding in the Army.

By studying the Army’s values, you can develop a deeper understanding of what it means to be a soldier and how to conduct yourself in the military. You can also familiarize yourself with the Army’s history and traditions, which can help you feel more connected to the organization.

4. Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Basic training can be physically and mentally exhausting, and it’s important to get enough sleep to help you perform at your best. Before you leave for basic training, try to establish a regular sleep schedule and get enough rest each night. Getting a good night’s sleep can help you stay alert and focused during training.

In addition, sleep is essential for recovery after intense physical activity, which you will experience in basic training. If you are well-rested, you will be better able to handle the physical demands of training and avoid injury.

5. Develop a Positive Attitude

Basic training is designed to be challenging, both mentally and physically. However, a positive attitude can help you succeed. Instead of focusing on the challenges, try to focus on the things you are doing well. Celebrate small victories, and stay motivated by setting goals for yourself.

Additionally, try to surround yourself with other positive individuals who are also striving to succeed. You can build each other up and provide support during challenging times. Developing a positive attitude can help you build confidence, stay motivated, and ultimately, succeed in basic training.

6. Build Camaraderie with Your Fellow Recruits

In basic training, you will be living and training with a group of people who are in the same situation as you. Building camaraderie with your fellow recruits is crucial to help you navigate through the challenges of basic training. 

You will learn to rely on one another, support each other through tough times, and celebrate each other’s successes. You may even build lifelong friendships during your time in basic training.

7. Take Care of Your Feet

During basic training, you will be spending a lot of time on your feet, marching, and running. It’s essential to take care of your feet to prevent blisters, calluses, or other foot problems. Make sure you wear good quality boots and socks, keep your feet clean and dry, and apply foot powder to prevent sweat and moisture buildup.

8. Stay Hydrated

Drinking enough water is essential for your health and performance during basic training. In addition to regulating your body temperature, water helps your body to function correctly, improves your mental clarity, and aids in digestion. 

It’s important to drink enough water throughout the day, even if you don’t feel thirsty. Dehydration can cause fatigue, headaches, and muscle cramps, which can impair your performance in basic training.

9. Be Prepared to Learn

Basic training is designed to teach you essential skills and habits that will serve you throughout your military career. Be prepared to learn and absorb as much information as possible. You’ll be taught how to march, shoot a weapon, follow orders, and other valuable skills that will be useful in your military career. Pay attention to your instructors and follow their guidance, as they have been through the same training and have valuable experience to share.

10. Keep Your Eye on the Prize

Basic training can be physically and mentally challenging, but remember that it’s just the beginning of your military career. Keep your eye on the prize and focus on your long-term goals. 

Remember why you decided to join the military, and use that motivation to push through the tough times. Basic training will test your physical and mental toughness, but if you stay focused and committed, you will emerge as a stronger and more capable soldier.

In conclusion, completing basic training in the US Army requires discipline, focus, and dedication. By following these tips and preparing for the challenges ahead, you can successfully complete your basic training and get off to a strong start in your military career. Remember to stay positive, work hard, and embrace the challenges as opportunities for growth and development. Good luck!