What Do Army MPs Do?

What Do Army MPs Do?

What Does an Army Police Career Entail? Many people who choose to venture into careers on criminology and criminal justice do so because they are looking to fulfill their love for helping others. It also presents an excellent opportunity for training, advancement...
How long is Army Basic Training?

How long is Army Basic Training?

The short answer: 9 weeks. It takes just 9 Weeks to transform a civilian into a soldier. Ever wonder what it takes for the Army to transform a civilian into a soldier? Perhaps, you’re considering joining the Army yourself. You may be wondering how long is Army Basic...
The New Army Physical Fitness Test

The New Army Physical Fitness Test

Photo c/o Wikimedia Commons When you think about the Army Physical Fitness Test, you most likely picture three main components: push-ups, sit-ups, and running. And that is for good reason. The test has been made up of these three core aspects for nearly four decades!...

Write for Us!

Are you a current or former US Army Soldier? Perhaps you are a great writer who wants to write a guest post about the military, fitness, physical training, goal-setting, ASVAB study, or another related topic. Either way, we want to hear from you! Publishing on our...