They Say That in the Army – Army Cadence

Marching Cadence They say that in the Army, the chicken’s mighty fine One jumped off the table and started marking time Oh Lord I wanna go But they won’t let me go home (stomp) They say that in the Army, the coffee’s mighty fine It looks like muddy...

Army Jobs – Mos List 2024 

Army Jobs are the core of the Army. It’s why you join the Army, it’s why you’re in the Army, and it’s the reason you’re getting paid. Having the right Army job for you will make or break your thought on the Army life. You will either...

ASVAB Subtests

The full-length ASVAB is made up of nine sections, called ASVAB subtests, depending on which version of the test you take. These subtests range from science, to reading, to mechanics! The purpose of all these varied ASVAB subtests is to better determine what Army Jobs...

ASVAB Scores

ASVAB Scores are composite scores created by combining different subtests of the ASVAB to best determine your strong and weak areas of knowledge. Your ASVAB scores can be high in one area and medium to low in another, and you would still pass the ASVAB. The Army...

Wire Systems Equipment Repairer

Skill Level 1 Uses Test, Measurement, and Diagnostic Equipment (TMDE) to test and isolate faulty assemblies and components for wire equipment and unit level switchboards. Identifies faults, replaces parts, rewires equipment, interconnects components, and adjusts all...