Sprint-Drag-Carry (SDC) - Army ACFT Event

Perform 5 times x 25-meter dash – sprint, drag a sled weighing 90 pounds, lateral, carry two 40-pound kettlebell weights and sprint
Fitness Components:
This event is a measure of muscular power, endurance, and strength, and anaerobic capacity, which are needed to accomplish high-intensity combat tasks that last from a few seconds to several minutes.
2×40-pound kettlebells and 90-pound sled
60 and 100 point scores: 3:00 and 1:33 minutes
Proper Technique:
Starting position
On the command “GET SET,” one Soldier in each lane will assume the prone position with the top of the head behind the start line. The grader is positioned to see both the start line and the 25m line. The grader can position a Soldier/battle buddy on the 25m line to ensure compliance with test event standards.
On the command “GO,” Soldiers stand and sprint 25m; touch the 25m line with foot and hand; turn and sprint back to the start line. If the Soldier fails to touch the 25m line with hand and foot, the grader watching the 25m turn line will call them back.
Soldiers will grasp each strap handle, which will be positioned and resting on the sled behind the start line; pull the sled backward until the entire sled crosses the 25m line; turn the sled around and pull back until the entire sled crosses the start line. If the entire sled does not cross the 25m or start line, the grader watching the 25m turn line will call them back.
After the entire sled crosses the start line, the Soldier will perform a lateral for 25m, touch the 25m turn line with foot and hand, and perform the lateral back to the start line. The Soldier will face the same direction moving back to the 25m start line and returning to the start line so they lead with each foot. If the Soldier fails to touch the 25m turn line with hand and foot, the grader watching the 25m turn line will call them back. Graders will correct Soldiers if they cross their feet.
Soldiers will grasp the handles of the two 40-pound kettlebells and run to the 25m turn line; step on or over the 25m turn line with one foot; turn and run back to the start line. If the Soldier drops the kettlebells during movement, the carry will resume from the point the kettlebells were dropped. If the Soldier fails to touch the 25m turn line with their foot, the grader watching the 25m turn line will call them back.
After stepping on/over the start line, Soldiers will place the kettlebells on the ground; turn and sprint 25m; touch the 25m turn line with foot and hand; turn and sprint back to the start line. If the Soldier fails to touch the 25m turn line with hand and foot, the grader watching the 25m turn line will call them back.
The time is stopped when the Soldier crosses the start line after the final sprint (250 meters).
Recommended Training:
Straight-Leg Deadlift
- The starting position for the Straight Leg Dead Lift is the Straddle Stance. Hold the kettlebells in front of the legs using a pronated grip. Keep the knees slightly flexed – not locked – and in the same flexed position throughout the
- On count 1, flex forward from the waist, keeping the head in line with the spine to avoid extending the neck. While keeping the back straight, move down until the back is parallel to the ground. Slightly adjust knee flexion to increase the engagement of the hamstring muscles in the back of the
- On count 2, reverse the movement performed in count 1 to return to the starting
- On count 3, repeat count
- Complete one minute of repetitions, stopping to rest if necessary, or adjusting the weight and range of movement to match the required
Bent-Over Row
- The starting position for the Bent-Over Row is the Forward Leaning Stance with arms hanging in front of the Hold kettlebells of equal weight using a closed neutral grip – palms will be facing each other.
- On the command of “begin,” bend the elbows to pull the kettlebells toward the chest. The legs, torso, and head remain in their starting
- Continue the exercise at your own pace for one minute. Increase or decrease the kettlebell weight if necessary, continuing only if the exercise can be completed to
300 Meter Shuttle Run
- The starting position is the Staggered Stance, with the right foot forward. The right heel is even with the toes of the left foot. The head is up looking straight ahead and the knees are slightly bent. The left arm is forward.
- From the starting position, run quickly to the 25-meter turn-around point.
- Turn clockwise while planting the left foot and bending and squatting to touch the ground with the left hand.
- Run quickly back to the starting line and plant the right foot, then turn counter-clockwise and touch the ground with the right hand.
- Run back to the 25-meter turn-around accelerating to maximum speed through the finish.
Combat Readiness:
This can simulate extracting a casualty out of harm’s way, moving quickly to take cover, or carrying ammunition to a fighting position or vehicle.