Standing Power Throw (SPT) - Army ACFT Event

Toss a 10-pound ball medicine backward as far as possible to test the muscular explosive power.
Fitness Components:
This measures upper and lower body explosive power, flexibility, and dynamic balance. Explosive power contributes to tasks requiring quick explosive movements to maneuver equipment and personnel.
10-pound medicine ball
60 and 100 point scores: 4.5 and 12.5 meters
Proper Technique:
Starting Position
The Soldiers will face away from the start line, grasp the medicine ball (10 pounds) with both hands at hip level and stand with both heels at (but not on or over) the start line. Grasp the ball firmly and as far around the sides of the ball as possible. Towels or rags will be provided to remove excess moisture/debris from the medicine ball.
Record Throws
As directed by the grader, the Soldier in lane one executes throw one. Soldiers are permitted several preparatory movements flexing at the trunk, knees, and hips while lowering the ball between their legs. When directed by the grader, the Soldier in lane two executes throw one.
Soldiers will have two record attempts on the Standing Power Throw. Soldiers in lanes one and two will alternately execute record throw one and two. As directed by the grader, the Soldier in lane one executes the first record attempt. Soldiers are permitted several preparatory movements flexing at the trunk, knees, and hips while lowering the ball between their legs. When directed by the grader, the Soldier in lane two executes the first record attempt. A record attempt will not count if a Soldier steps on or beyond the start line or falls to the ground.
If a Soldier faults on the first record throw, they will receive a raw score of 0.0 meters. If a Soldier faults on the second record throw, they will receive a raw score of 0.0 meters. This Soldier will be allowed one additional attempt to score on the SPT. If the Soldier faults on all three record throw, they will receive a raw score of 0.0 meters for the SPT. If a Soldier has a valid score on either record the first and second throw, they will not be allowed a third attempt.
Once the Soldier has attempted two record throws, they will move onto the SPT lane to retrieve the medicine balls for the next Soldiers, and then return to the back of the line.
Although Soldiers are required to execute two record throws and both record throws are recorded, only the longer of the two throws will count as the record score. The start line grader will circle the best score.
Recommended Training:
Power Jump
- The starting position for the power jump is the straddle stance with hands-on-hips.
- On count 1, squat with the heels flat while rounding the spine forward and reaching to the ground. Place the palms on the ground. Gaze remains forward.
- On count 2, jump forcefully from the ground, swinging the arms up and overhead to unweight the body and increase the height of the jump. Palms face inward.
- On count 3, return to the count 1 position after landing softly with feet directed forward and shoulder-width apart.
- On count 4, return to the starting position.
- Complete 5 to 10 repetitions.
Overhead Push Press
- The starting position for the Overhead push press is the straddle stance. Hold the kettlebells at the collar bones using a closed neutral grip (palms will be facing each other).
- On the command of “Begin”, slightly flex the hips and knees into a mini-squat before quickly and forcefully extending the elbows to push the weights overhead. At the top of the movement, the kettlebells will be above the shoulders. Continue to look straight ahead throughout the movement. Slightly flex the hips and knees into a mini-squat before returning the weight to the starting position.
- This squat helps absorb the impact of the weight’s descent. Continue the exercise at your own pace for one minute. Increase or decrease the kettlebell weight if necessary, continuing only if the exercise can be completed to standard.
Tuck Jump
- The starting position for the tuck jump is the straddle stance with arms at the sides.
- One count 1, perform a half squat while driving the arms rearward. Jump up from this position pulling both feet under the hips and tucking the knees to the chest. Wrap the arms around the front of the knees before landing softly on the balls of the feet.
- On count 2, stand up into the starting position.
- On count 3, repeat count 1.
- On count 4, repeat count 2.
- The cadence is slow to allow proper preparation for and recovery from the explosive jumps on counts 1 and 3. Build up to 10 correctly performed repetitions.
Combat Readiness:
This replicates to throwing equipment onto or over an obstacle, lifting yourself or fellow Soldier or Assisting a buddy to move rapidly across uneven terrain