Two-Mile Run (2MR) - Army ACFT Event

Run 2 miles while time is measured.
Fitness Components:
This event is a test of aerobic endurance.
Two mile run route on level field, track or running surface
60 and 100 point scores: 21:00 and 13:30 minutes
Proper Technique:
The two-mile run can be completed on an indoor or outdoor track, or an improved surface such as a road or sidewalk. The 2MR cannot be tested on unimproved terrain. There is a programmed 10-minute rest between the LTK and the 2MR. The rest period begins when the last Soldier in the group completes the LTK. The start and finish line will be near the same location as the test site for the other five test events. Out-and-back or lap track courses are authorized.
Recommended Training:
Treadmills and elliptical machines are good ways but there’s no beating the pavement when it comes to preparing for the two-mile run.
- The starting position is the Staggered Stance with the right foot forward. The right heel is even with the toes of the left foot. The head is up looking straight ahead and the knees are slightly bent. The left arm is forward.
- From the starting position, swing the left thigh up to 90 degrees and the right arm forward before stepping forward with the left foot.
- As the left foot comes to the ground, raise the right thigh to 90 degrees and the left arm forward before stepping forward with the right foot.
- Repeat this motion down a 25-meter course before stopping. Repeat once to return to the start line.
- The starting position is the Straddle Stance, with the left side facing the direction of movement. Slightly crouched with elbows bent to 90 degrees and palms facing forward.
- From the starting position, step out with the lead leg and then bring the trail leg up and toward the lead leg.
- The Soldier always faces the same direction so that for the first 25 meters he or she is moving to the left and for the second 25 meters is moving to the right.
- As skill improves, the Soldier may increase speed.
Shuttle Sprint
- The starting position is the Staggered Stance, with the right foot forward. The right heel is even with the toes of the left foot. The head is up looking straight ahead and the knees are slightly bent. The left arm is forward.
- From the starting position, run quickly to the 25-meter turn-around point.
- Turn clockwise while planting the left foot and bending and squatting to touch the ground with the left hand.
- Run quickly back to the starting line and plant the right foot, then turn counter-clockwise and touch the ground with the right hand.
- Run back to the 25-meter turn-around accelerating to maximum speed through the finish.
Combat Readiness:
This helps build endurance and cardiovascular strength. This is applied during infiltration, ruck march, and dismounted movement.